Week 3 of my course has been about the importance of communication and in essence the quality of talk.
Effective communication is a huge part of my job as a coach and mentor so I really understand how vital it is for young people to learn soft skills as part of their education.
This week the course covered the following topics:
- Promoting talk for learning
- Building confident learners through talk
- Talking with confidence and clarity
- Developing thinking and communication skills
- Developing cognitive skills
- Building student awareness of their own learning processes
- The value of quality feedback
- Neuroscience and the adolescent brain
- The whole school approach
I had to complete an assignment this week using the principles covered in the course this week combined with a real coaching session. It really made me think about how I can utilise what I have learnt so far and be a more effective coach for my students.
Next week is the last in the course and I look forward to reflecting and reviewing what I have learnt and taking it forward with my students in 2017.
If you know of anyone that is struggling and would benefit from life coaching then please contact me.
Have a great week.