This week I have completed week 1 of a four week free on-line course for ‘Girls’ Education’ with FutureLearn and The Girls’ Day School Trust. This course is about ‘Teaching strategies that develop confidence, resilience and collaboration’.
Although the course is specifically based around girls I have already found that in week 1 that there are many aspects that would be useful for boys as well.
This week theĀ course covered:
- How collaborative learning can benefit students in the classroom
- How learning can be used as a social activity
- The need for collaboration
- Justifying collaborative learning
- Jigsaw learning
- Criteria for effective collaborative learning
- Developing collaboration across the school environment
There are many participants completing the course from various education departments as well as parents and carers. Many of the participants come from different countries across the globe. All participants are encouraged to comment as we complete the course modules and it is these comments that really add extra substance and food for thought to the course.
I have learnt so much in week 1 that I canĀ use with my coaching students and I am definitely looking forward to week 2.
If you know of anyone that is struggling and would benefit from some collaborative coaching then please contact me.